Terms of Use For Website



You understand that by viewing and using this website, you might be exposed to content that you regard to be offensive or objectionable and that you view and use this site at your own risk. We do not intend to offend anyone, however, what is offensive to one person may not be offensive to another. It is difficult, if not impossible, to speak on controversial topics in a clear way without offending someone. We ask that viewers would receive the contents of this website in the spirit in which they are given, that is, to speak the truth on sensitive issues in a loving way that does not compromise our conscientious convictions.  

Freedom of speech is a provision of The Canadian Charter of Rights And Freedoms (Section 2). We want to express in the clearest language possible that all statements made in this website are meant to be taken not in malice towards any identifiable people group but rather as discussion on issues of public interest, for public benefit, in good faith. I believe that our views on the issues contained here are also consistent with our faith beliefs which are contained in our statement of faith. Whether you agree or disagree with what we have stated here we bless you and invite your feedback.

By viewing the material, or any part of the material, posted on this website, and any part of the website and its pages, you agree to wave any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against Shawn Stevens or Ramona Stevens in respect to material that you find offensive or objectionable contained in this website. By viewing the material of this website, or any part of this website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Shawn Stevens and Ramona Stevens and you specifically acknowledge and agree that Shawn Stevens and Ramona Stevens will not be liable for comments deemed defamatory, offensive or damaging and agree to dismiss any legal claims that you may have against Shawn Stevens or Ramona Stevens relating to the contents of this website.


No statement made in this article or found on this website was made to foment hatred or incite violence or cause psychological harm. I do not wish for any of my statements included here or on this website to be received or taken as the detestation or vilification of anyone. For anyone to interpret my words as the incitement of hatred or of the promoting of hatred, is to misunderstand my position, which I am trying to make perfectly clear: I promote love not hatred. I love those who take a different position than I do on sensitive issues. Everything I have said here, I want to be understood from the context of love, not hate and I want for it to be received in the spirit that it is given, that is one of love. Every statement that I have made here expresses my honestly held religious beliefs and is meant to encourage honest discussion about subjects of general public interest. If you disagree with what I have said, I still love you and wish the best for you and your family.

Most of my books have been altered as I have sought to comply with  copyright laws. If you have a hard copy of any of our literature printed before March  2013, write to us I would like to replace your copy with a revised one. If you would like to copy any book, tract, etc. of this ministry I give full permission for you to copy complete books, tracts, etc. as long as they are here on the website and as long as they are being distributed free of charge. If I have taken a piece of writing down from the website it is almost always  because there is some reason that I don’t have permission to print or grant reproduction of that particular piece of writing (even if it is my own book). Most of my books can be found on this site but please do not copy any of my  books that no longer appear on our site such as, “Jesus Christ And the Dead Sea Scrolls” and “Judaism And Christianity”. Also please do not copy “The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Bill.” . If you are using a book, tract etc., please document it. If you want to quote a selection of words from a book, tract, etc. found on this website, then I give you full permission to quote my (Shawn Stevens) words. If you are quoting someone other than myself from one of our books then I do not have the authority to grant that permission. However in many cases the quote may be public domain. Check the reference in such cases.  Thank you.

References to the New King James Translation need to have the copyright notice that I have carefully included with these works, posted with it.

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