Blessed are the Forgiven


Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
Romans 4.7-8

These wonderful verses of Scripture appear not once but twice in the Bible. They were first written down by King David in the 32nd Psalm. Later, the Apostle Paul quotes them in the book of Romans, Chapter 4. True righteousness is imputed to man, not gained by his own works, but by faith in what God has done. What kind of righteousness does God impute to a person? It is a righteousness in which sin is forgiven, transgression is forgiven and lawless deeds are forgiven. The word “forgiven” is used over and over in the Bible. It is a major theme. The very nature of forgiveness is the pardoning of a crime or a debt. It is when God no longer lays that crime or debt to our charge. There is a great and eternal blessing to being pardoned, to having our debts discharged. Salvation is something many men and women have been willing to sacrifice for. Some are willing to do many good works, endure suffering and pay great expense. However, not many are willing to receive salvation God’s way. God’s way is by faith and forgiveness. God calls men to put faith in Jesus Christ because of what Christ has done. Jesus died for our sins and then He rose from the dead. If we will believe in what Jesus has done, understanding that it was for our sins, and then throw ourselves at His feet, choosing to believe in and follow Him, we will be saved. Salvation is forgiveness and having our life and eternal destination changed. If we come to God and receive His forgiveness and salvation, then we experience life-change. Friend, do not accept a false standard of religion. Look to Jesus and put all your faith in Him. Many have wanted God’s forgiveness desperately, however, they were not directed properly to Jesus Christ.

Friend, if you have not done so already, repent and give your life to the Lord. Repentance means turning away from your own ways and choosing to following God. It means that your life is no longer your own; it belongs to God. Your life is set apart for Him and His purposes.

Friend, do you have peace with God? The Bible says; “THEREFORE BEING justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:” (Romans 5.1) and; “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11.28). Oh, to have our sins forgiven! Jesus came to remove our sins. We also read ; “And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.” (1 John 3.5). Come to Jesus, and let eternal life begin in you. Some will say that they will not listen to God unless He speaks to them in some dramatic way. God does sometimes speak in these kinds of ways but, more frequently, He speaks to us in a still small voice, through our conscience. Will you hear His call to surrender your life? Some will ask, “Can I go to heaven and still do this and still do that?” Friend, it is not about getting as close to hell’s border as we can without falling in. It is about coming to God and having your sins forgiven, then following Jesus and seeking to fulfill His will. Some will say, “Well, I’ll just do better from now on.” Friend, deal with sin God’s way. Come to God and ask for His forgiveness. Then put your faith in Jesus and in Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins. Believe in His resurrection. Decide to follow Him. Friend, you were created to know God’s love. Sin has become a barrier between man and a God of love. If you are running from God, stop, and consider your ways. What can you say for yourself? Do not make excuses or blame others for your sins. Be humble and honest before the Lord. Friend, people have gambled with money, with possessions and with credit, but do not gamble with your soul. Your soul is the most valuable thing that you have. Give it to Jesus. Cry out, “I need You, Jesus.” Put your heart in His hands and it will be cleansed and made secure. Friend, the devil wants your head for a trophy in hell. Jesus has come and died to rescue you. You cannot afford to reject the salvation that He offers or to take lightly the matter of your soul’s salvation. Where do you stand? Are you a child of God, or are you a lost soul running from the Lord? Friend, if you are running from God, stop. Soften your heart. Let Him break through all of your masks. Let Him get to your heart and then forgive and wash you clean.

Jesus Christ died for your sins and for mine. I remember hearing about a certain bodyguard, who, upon seeing an assassin in a crowd, sacrificed his own life by jumping in front of a president and taking the bullet that had been fired at the president. Jesus took the bullet fired at you. Only, for Him, the sacrifice was so much greater.

Friend, if you have not done so already, it is time to ask God for forgiveness for your sins. Asking for forgiveness is admitting that you were wrong. Come to the God of love and mercy and throw yourself at His feet. There is a basis for you to be forgiven. The grounds are the death and resurrection of Christ. Come to Him in prayer and ask for the blessing of a forgiven heart. Turn your life over to Him.

Shawn Stevens

References :

Henry, Matthew. Matthew Henry’s Commentary On The Whole Bible. Iowa Falls: World Bible Publishers. n.d.

Finney, Charles G. Lectures By Charles G. Finney. Springfield: World Library Press Inc., 1998.

Cantelon, Brent. Not Anymore. Christian Life Assembly. n.d. Audiocassette.

Cantelon, Brent. God is Speaking. Christian Life Assembly, July 2, 2000. Audiocassette.

Cantelon, Brent. Mercy Mockers Wrath. Christian Life Assembly, August 25, 1998. Audiocassette.

Scripture taken from the King James Version.

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